History Update 17 November

Thursday 18 November. 6-7.30pm. How Black Literature Changed Britain

Benjamin Zephaniah, Margaret Busby, Deirdre Osborne and Joseph Harker discuss authors writing today, and explore the rich Black literary tradition that precedes them and its impact on our culture. Event was produced in partnership with The British Library.


Free registration: CLICK HERE

Thursday 18 November. 11.30pm &  

Friday 19 November. 1am – GMT. Between the Lines: W.E.B. Du Bois: Black Reconstruction

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture online discussion with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Eric Foner, the editors of W.E.B. Du Bois: Black Reconstruction


Tuesday 23 November. 5.30pm. Making London historic: monuments to Empire from Waterloo Place to Trafalgar Square

Online IHR Seminar talk byDurba Ghosh (Cornell University)


Saturday 27 November.9.30am-12.30pm. Llafur Online Event & AGM – Strikes, Lockouts and Collective Memories: Remembering 1921 and 1926To register:


Once you have registered, details of the meeting ID and password will be emailed to you.

Monday 6 December. 6-7.30pm. Co-curation and archival interventions: Reflections from an interdisciplinary project using voluntary sector records

Monday 6 December. 6-7.30pm. Co-curation and archival interventions: Reflections from an interdisciplinary project using voluntary sector records

Georgina Brewis (UCL Institute of Education) and Angela Ellis Paine (University of Birmingham) discuss an interdisciplinary study of voluntary action and welfare provision in England in the 1940s and 2010s to highlight how the different iterative processes involved in collaborative archival research are part of what we call ‘co-curation’. 

Voluntary Action Historical Society


Meeting ID: 834 1927 4762
Passcode: 159647

IHR Seminars

Full details and to register see


Thursday 18 November. ‘Keep the Party Labour’: The Grassroots Alliance and the changing strategies of the Labour Left’s opposition to Tony Blair and New Labour

Friday 19 November. Class in a Time of Women’s Liberation: A Consideration of Factors Shaping the Lives of Working-Class Women in the Long 1970s

Monday 22 November. The Idea of Japan in Victorian Charity Bazaars: Fundraising, Orientalism and Transculturality in the North East of England, 1867—1912

Tuesday 23 November

Freedom’s Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific

Housewives and the House: Women Labour MPs and ‘the housewife’ in Parliament in the 1940s and 1950s

Working class women: Where were the Women? Landladies midwives and class

Wednesday 24 November

Places of Joy: The Role of Heritage After Lockdown

The Labors of Resurrection: Black Women, Death Work and the Making of the Black Counterpublic Sphere

Monday 29 November. Overcome by fever? Comparative analysis through travel reports produced by the Niger Expedition to the interior of West Africa

Black History Tube Map

Published by BCA and Transport for London the map features over 270 people, venues, and organisations to acknowledge and celebrate the rich and varied contribution Black people have made to London and the UK, from Pre-Tudor times to the present day.



Benjamin Banneker


Chloe Cooley

Enslaved woman whose resistance led to Ontario’s first antislavery legislation. 


Francis Devine

Sir Arthur Kingsley



Nina Mae McKinney


Paul Robeson


He joined the London Library in 1934.


East and Southeast Asian Heritage Month 

Britain’s East and South East Asian Network, is a volunteer-led group that ‘is passionate about positive representation for ESEA people and stands in solidarity with all marginalised communities.’ Their website contains links to all kinds of resources.  This page explains why and how the group was formed. 


See also Maisie Chan. Celebrating Ourselves


Radical ambition: Ramsay MacDonald and the 1895 general election

The Blacketts: A Northern Dynasty’s Rise, Crisis and Redemption

Greg Finch (Tyne Bridge Publishing)


Children’s Literature

Centre for Literacy in Primary Education’s latest report – CLPE Reflecting Realities – Survey of Ethnic Representation within UK Children’s Literature (November 2021) 


Enslavement & Black Atlantic




About seancreighton1947

I have lived in Norbury since July 2011. I blog on Croydon, Norbury and history events,news and issues. I have been active on local economy, housing and environment issues with Croydon TUC and Croydon Assembly. I have submitted views to Council Committees and gave evidence against the Whitgift Centre CPO and to the Local Plan Inquiry. I am a member of Norbury Village Residents Association and Chair of Norbury Community Land Trust, and represent both on the Love Norbury community organisations partnership Committee. I used to write for the former web/print Croydon Citizen. I co-ordinate the Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Croydon Radical History Networks and edit the North East Popular Politics history database. I give history talks and lead history walks. I retired in 2012 having worked in the community/voluntary sector and on heritage projects. My history interests include labour, radical and suffrage movements, mutuality, Black British, slavery & abolition, Edwardian roller skating and the social and political use of music and song. I have a particular interest in the histories of Battersea and Wandsworth, Croydon and Lambeth. I have a publishing imprint History & Social Action Publications.
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