History Update 28 June

1 July. 10am-4pm.  Tyneside Irish Brigade Memories Project Exhibition

Tyneside Irish Centre, 43 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SG.   

7,200 Tyneside Irish who served during World War 1; 1,200 of them died, many on the first day of the Battle of the Somme – 1 July 1916.  Friends and families were left behind to mourn and to remember. T he Exhibition has been created by the Tyneside Irish Cultural Society, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.


Saturday 2 July. 1pm-8pm. Stanley Stories Community Festival

Stanley Stories will celebrate the people, past and present, who have shaped South Norwood as Stanley Arts approaches the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Stanley Halls.

Wednesday 6 July. 6-8pm. Trade Union Education – History and Future

This seminar will explore the history of Trade Union Education – both learning for activists and broader learning for members. 


Saturday 23 July. Anita Sethi Writing Workshop

Manchester Museum on as part of South Asian Heritage Month   


For details about Anita Sethi see below.

Tuesday 26 July. 7pm. Elswick’s Shipyard And Its Colonial Legacy 1885-1918

Zoom talk by Celina Hart (Newcastle University) for North East Labour History Society.

Tayo Aluko’s Performances

2 July. Ely Library, Cambs: Just An Ordinary Lawyer
4 July. WPFW FM. Paul Robeson’s Love Song
4 July. BBC Radio 4. The Amazing Life of Olaudah Equiano
17 July. Paul Robeson’s Love Song (plus Q&A). Online
21 – 27 Aug. Edinburgh Fringe: Call Mr. Robeson @ theSpace, Surgeon’s Hall
22 – 28 Aug. Edinburgh Fringe. Just An Ordinary Lawyer @ C Place Studio
14 Oct. Holyhead, N. Wales: Call Mr. Robeson. Ucheldre Arts
15 Oct. Holyhead, N. Wales: Just An Ordinary Lawyer. Ucheldre Arts
Nov 4. Eastbourne, E. Sussex: Call Mr. Robeson. Grove Theatre

See Tayo’s latest newsletter at:


Its Not Just Windrushers Who Are Under the Threat of Deportation

Joram Nechironga served in the British army for five years, including in Iraq. He has been living in the UK for more than twenty years and has two British children but is now facing deportation to Zimbabwe. When Joram went to Zimbabwe in 2006, he was tortured and beaten for serving in the British Army and was viewed as a “spy”. He has launched an urgent funding appeal to fight his case and stay safely in the UK.



Labour’s Wakefield By-election Victory 1932


On the BBC

Back in Time for Birmingham


Lenny Henry’s Caribbean Britain    


Fighting for King and Empire: Britain’s Caribbean Heroes       


Rainbow City – What Sort of Boy?  

Repeat of the first programme in a series aired in 1967.   


“Never before had a black actor taken the lead role in a British television drama. Errol John plays John Steele, a lawyer dealing with the personal and professional difficulties faced when representing people of colour in the 1960s.”

Muslims in Britain

Book by Professor Humayun Ansari.   


An extract from the book can be read at:


For more details about Prof. Ansari’s areas of research and a list of his many publications, see:


Amanda Aldridge


Mona  Baptiste,  Windrush Passenger

Historycal Roots has published the first biography of her. She probably achieved her biggest fame in Germany.


Journeys To The Grave

BBC Radio 3 series Journeys to the Grave includes

Anne Bronte, Radclyffe Hall, W. B. Yeats and Oscar Wilde, and  Ignatius Sancho.  For latter see:


Anita Sethi introduces Anne Bronte.  


Anita Sethi 

Sethi was born in the North of England of South Asian Ancestry via indentured labourers in Guyana. 


For details of her book  I Belong Here see:



Interview with Sethi:


Her Guradian article in April 2018 article commenting on Prince Charles is at:


Indendtured Labourers

Sethi’s work on her indentured labourer family in Guyana background can be read at:


See also:

We Mark Your Memory: writings from the descendants of indenture, edited by David Dabydeen, Maria del Pilar Kaladeen and Tina K. Ramnarine   


About seancreighton1947

I have lived in Norbury since July 2011. I blog on Croydon, Norbury and history events,news and issues. I have been active on local economy, housing and environment issues with Croydon TUC and Croydon Assembly. I have submitted views to Council Committees and gave evidence against the Whitgift Centre CPO and to the Local Plan Inquiry. I am a member of Norbury Village Residents Association and Chair of Norbury Community Land Trust, and represent both on the Love Norbury community organisations partnership Committee. I used to write for the former web/print Croydon Citizen. I co-ordinate the Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Croydon Radical History Networks and edit the North East Popular Politics history database. I give history talks and lead history walks. I retired in 2012 having worked in the community/voluntary sector and on heritage projects. My history interests include labour, radical and suffrage movements, mutuality, Black British, slavery & abolition, Edwardian roller skating and the social and political use of music and song. I have a particular interest in the histories of Battersea and Wandsworth, Croydon and Lambeth. I have a publishing imprint History & Social Action Publications.
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